
Мобільний застосунок

Mobile app development, as of now, amalgamates competencies from across industries, as well as psychology and sociology domains, and incorporates technologies beyond the traditional iOS and Android app development stacks, including AI, IoT, and much more – simply because mobile apps are one of the default formats to make things happen, be it within a company or the society as a whole.

Lionwood teams have profound expertise in not just creating native or cross-platform mobile apps but also ensuring user adoption and fostering innovation behind your vision for the app in question with innovative tech. We go beyond just creating another mobile app to creating one that will be actually used and loved, and solve exactly the problem it was created to solve. There’s a mobile app for everything, they say – while not necessarily true right now, with us, you can bring this vision closer to reality.


Native iOS / Android apps

Going mobile is largely about convenience, whether for the customers or employees, and native iOS and Android app development services exist for that reason. Native apps can do things that web or hybrid apps can’t, and if your ambition lies in such domains, we will recommend creating tailored mobile applications for these platforms. Our teams of digital-native mobile app developers can ensure seamless integration of cutting-edge tech and inutitive UX to reach new audiences, enhance customer engagement, or streamline operations, transforming your vision into reality with our top-notch mobile app development expertise.

Cross-platform and hybrid app development

Here’s where you can create versatile mobile solutions that seamlessly run across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web – and spare the effort on maintenance, as well as rollout time. We leverage frameworks like React Native and Flutter to build robust applications with a single codebase. This yields a unified user experience and helps maximize your reach with minimal development efforts.


Progressive apps

Alongside native iOS/Android or hybrid apps, a third option exists: web applications that deliver a native app-like experience on any device. With the progressive web app (PWA) technology, we create fast, reliable, and engaging applications that seamlessly adapt to varying network conditions. Businesses tend to favor these over the native or hybrid mobile apps for benefits like offline access, push notifications, and seamless installation. In competitive terms, this translates into maximizing reach across different platforms and devices, enhancing user engagement, increasing conversions, or improving overall performance.

Mobile app MVP development / prototypes / PoC

Sometimes you just need to quickly validate your app idea and push it to the users. That’s what Agile is for. Our team specializes in crafting high-fidelity prototypes and minimal viable products that capture the essence of your vision while minimizing time and cost. By prioritizing key features and functionalities, we create prototypes and MVPs that allow you to gather valuable feedback, iterate rapidly, and make informed decisions for future development. Whether you’re a startup looking to test the waters in a tricky market or an established business seeking to validate a new concept, our prototype and MVP development expertise ensures a smooth and efficient path to success.


AI-based mobile apps

Looking to adopt AI to enhance your operations or customer experience? Time to wrap it into an easily usable mobile application! Whether you’re seeking to integrate AI chatbots for customer support, personalized recommendation engines for e-commerce, or intelligent virtual assistants for productivity, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life, including machine learning, natural language processing, and generative AI. All that is then wrapped into an easily usable mobile application UI for faster adoption.

Banking mobile app development

We are proud to be able to combine industry expertise with cutting-edge technology to create secure, compliant, and user-friendly mobile banking applications. With the industry focus on security around sensitive information, we pay special attention to data encryption, two-factor authentication, and strict compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS. Whether you’re a traditional bank looking to digitize your services or a fintech startup aiming to disrupt the industry, our banking mobile apps empower you to provide unparalleled experiences to your customers.


Healthcare mobile app development

From patient-facing apps for appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and symptom tracking to provider-focused apps for electronic health record (EHR) access, telemedicine, and clinical decision support, our expert team develops a wide range of solutions to enhance patient care and streamline workflows. With a strong focus on data security, HIPAA compliance, and interoperability with existing healthcare systems, we ensure that our apps meet the highest standards of privacy and regulatory requirements. Whether you’re a healthcare provider seeking to improve patient engagement or a healthcare organization looking to optimize operational efficiency, our healthcare mobile apps empower you to deliver better care and improve health outcomes.

Mobile apps for logistics

Our solutions leverage artificial intelligence to enhance route optimization, real-time tracking, predictive maintenance, and supply chain management, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness. With a strong emphasis on cross-platform compatibility, our apps are designed to run seamlessly on iOS and Android devices, maximizing accessibility for users across different mobile platforms. Whether you’re a fleet operator, logistics provider, or supply chain manager, our mobile apps empower you to streamline operations, improve productivity, and deliver superior customer experiences. Partner with us and stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of logistics and transportation.

Mobile application development can be a powerful tool
across all business collaterals once you
harness three principles: innovation, UX, and scalability












Working with Lionwood:


Case studies

Mobile app development success stories

2022 - 2022
Транспорт і логістика
2022 - 2022
Транспорт і логістика
2019 - 2022
2019 - 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
Start by considering the factors that are relevant to your business: target audience, budget, development expertise, and long-term scalability. Things like platform popularity, market share, and ecosystem support should totally be taken into account. There are also tech-y things like the development tools, frameworks, and resources available for each platform: the right choice will help you decide on the optimal balance between investment and ROI.
At Lionwood, the cost of mobile development and consulting services varies depending on several factors, including the scope and complexity of the project, desired features and functionality, platform(s) chosen (iOS, Android, or cross-platform), timeline, and any additional services required such as UI/UX design, testing, and post-launch support. We understand that each project is unique, and we tailor our pricing accordingly to ensure fair and transparent pricing for our clients. You can use our calculator for a rough estimate, but better still, you can contact our experts for a more precise assessment.
You may reach us by filling out the form below, calling, or emailing. We will be happy to hear about your project and help you create a profitable mobile application.
This really hinges on multiple factors such as complexity, features, platform(s), design requirements, and testing. While simple apps with basic functionality may take a few weeks to a couple of months, more complex apps laden with advanced features and integrations can take months to develop before they really hit the 100% mark in terms of potential. The best course of action here is to discuss project specifics with the development team to get an accurate estimate of the timeline.
Yes, we provide comprehensive post-launch support and maintenance services for mobile apps. It's in our interest to ensure that your app remains up-to-date, functional, and optimized for performance after its launch. We offer ongoing support, bug fixes, updates, and enhancements to ensure the long-term success and usability of your mobile app.
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