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Education Software Development Services

All life is education in one way or another; what we as an education software development company can do for your organization is make sure whatever education software you use corresponds to your goals by using top-notch tech.

Get professional assistance in developing the educational software solutions you’ve got in mind with top talent from a seasoned education software development company. Whether you need a custom extension to an existing system, reduction in technological debt, or an entirely new platform built from scratch, Lionwood is ready to draw on its experience in providing education software development services that elevate your vision and make it come true.

From corporate e-learning systems to custom features for school platforms, our experts are here to assist.

domain top image
of training professionals planning LMS implementation
ROI for online staff learning: $30 for each $1 invested
students feel e-learning is more beneficial than traditional methods
projected EdTech industry value by 2027
market growth during the 21st century so far
EdTech is as much about individuality, personalization, and custom solutions, as education itself.

Educational software development services

Draw on our expertise to implement education software of any complexity for your organization. Properly executed e-learning activities help both corporations and educational institutions improve outcomes along the learning curve, increase material retention, and achieve a harmonious environment where talent can thrive and be fostered further on with custom e-learning software.

The type of custom e-learning software you’ll need depends largely on the type of material you need learned and the people you need it all to be learned by. We are there to help implement the perfect solution based on your organization’s needs.
Design or expand your Learning Management system to make it a part of your larger infrastructure aligned with overall strategic goals. A good LMS is the background for what you can or can't do when it comes to communicating vital information and materials. Our experts have an extensive background working with education software solutions for both corporate and educational clients.

Our approach to LMS development offers the advantage of precise alignment with unique educational objectives, allowing for enhanced scalability, specialized features, and a more user-centric interface.
Bridge the gaps in your school ecosystem by applying custom solutions and our expertise gained with big state-endorsed projects. Add functionalities that allow to streamline routines from schedule and curriculum planning to attendance tracking and more, perfectly integrated into your existing digital infrastructure.

With our experience working for public school systems that comprised vastly different schools in terms of organizational needs, we are ready to provide the best practices in supplying the necessary functionalities.
A good educational software system is one where users don't need to study its bugs or imperfections - they surely have their own things to study. Proper UX and data security are paramount, and in case you have recently introduced updates and need an impartial assessment and fixes, we are here to help.
There are concerns that the rise of AI can hinder education, with people over-utilizing it. On the other hand, though, AI can be of immense help in a number of scenarios related to e-learning and education in general. Our expertise covers several of the best use cases and can serve your organization to create an AI-enhanced learning environment.

Our approach


Just searching for an education software development company can yield so many results, but how many of these will perfectly align with your organization’s needs? We have seen so much of the learning process that we now realize learning is never a one-size-fits-all solution, especially if you’re talking of educational platforms meant to customize the process.

In short: custom software development is key to custom learning experiences, and these, in turn, are key to the learning process, be it in the context of the education industry, formal education, or corporate e-learning solutions.

Whether you want a custom learning management system for your organization or are searching for educational platforms that fulfill your insitition’s needs 100%, we are happy to assist with the relevant development services to match your objectives.

educational software development:

The problems we solve


A good educational software development company will simply stick to the tech requirements when developing the solution; an awesome one will consult and share expertise; Lionwood pledges to marry the requirements and the underlying needs with our expertise, depending on what the project at hand is. Whether in formal education or in corporate training, there is often no single route for everyone to take, and the education industry is taking notes. We draw on our experience with both governmental and corporate organizations to devise exactly the level of customization you will need for your education software to function properly.

Integrations and Interoperability

One of the reasons e-learning solutions didn’t take root much earlier was that they tended to be a universe of their own: you gain knowledge, and then you earn the recognition. In the 2020’s, though, it’s the integration with the other systems that makes these education solutions relevant. As a corporation, you can now integrate the assessment results with HR systems; as a state institution, you can make the data go into the official registers – and our expertise is there for you.

Legacy System Updates, Migrations, Enhancements

Searching for a way to get out the tech debt accrued over the long years of the EdTech evolution? In such cases, we start from consulting as usual, and then help choose the least tedious way to update your tech ecosystem and make sure it’s flexible enough to withstand the upcoming changes, incorporate the new methods and platforms, and stay connected with the overal digital infrastructure.


Choose Lionwood

Proven expertise in education software development services

Lionwood has a pool of developers well-versed in education software development, from web development frameworks and UX to back-end compatibility to make sure your system delivers the value it’s supposed to

Education software development company with profound industry understanding

We have a proven track record as an educational software development company, covering both the management and learning process in an array of solutions


Agile development practices & flexibility

You can be confident that your solution will be delivered on time, while leaving room for flexibility and further customizations. Our strong point is marrying Agile with EdTech

Superior maintenance

Lionwood provides extensive maintenance services to ensure the software stays in line with the overall ecosystem and infrastructure

Popular educational software features we develop

  • Remote access to all education material

    Facilitate knowledge acquisition with everything modern web development has to offer: no matter where your students or employees are, they can access the materials whenever necessary

  • Online communications/learning via video/voice/text chats

    Make a step above the usual print handouts or static pages toward interactivity: use online communications in various formats to streamline learning

  • Education certificates

    One of the downsides of the digital education industry has long been its incompatibility with traditional assessment routines. Modern e-learning platforms, however, can grant education certificates that are compatible with target institutions

  • Online apply/approve

    All of the education software development would be null and void if it wasn't for humans directing it. Our experience with state institutions allows to integrate humans as a link into the digitalized process

  • Access for parent + real time analytics

    Allow the authorized users track the learners' progress to close the loop when it comes to feedback in the learning process

  • Schedule setup

    Manage the teachers' routines and classroom/meeting room use without detriment to the learning progress

  • E-documents, E-journal

    Streamline documentation and integrate the data across systems for maximum clarity and transparency

  • Staff management for administration

    Keep track of the most valuable resource: human tutors, as you use cutting-edge education software solutions to ensure both teachers and learners get what they deserve











EdTech projects

Case studies

Education, Platform
2019 - 2023
2019 - 2023
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