
Outsource Software Development

Searching for the optimal way to outsource software development? Whether you’ve got a unique app to develop, or want to improve upon, or add to, your organization’s existing software, we can find the perfect soution with several teams of highly skilled and motivated professionals to match the necessary tech stack. Moreover, you can count on our expertise not just as an outsource software development company, but as a partner ready to share best practices.

Depending on your company and project type, together, we can select the right collaboration model (dedicated team, augmented team, end-to-end) and start fleshing out your vision into robust, reliable, and innovative software. Our clients enjoy, on average, 1.5-2x faster delivery times and 360-degree view leaving no place for budget overflows.

Outsource software development can now be more than just having someone to code - it's a multi-level collaboration defined by the client.

Outsourcing services


What we can do as a software development outsourcing company

  • Custom Software Development

    We focus on creating custom software solutions that directly address your business needs and operational challenges. Through a close partnership, we gain a deep understanding of what you aim to achieve. Using the latest technologies and flexible development practices, we build scalable and secure software that meets your unique requirements, supporting your digital growth and helping you stay ahead in your industry.

  • Web Development Services

    Our web development services focus on creating responsive and scalable websites and web applications that blend modern design trends with functionality. Utilizing the latest in web technologies, crafts compelling online experiences that not only attract users but also drive engagement and conversions. Our approach emphasizes SEO-friendly practices and optimization for speed and reliability, ensuring your digital presence stands out. LEARN MORE

  • Mobile App Development

    In mobile app development, we specialize in making apps that work great on all devices, whether they're made specifically for iOS or Android (native apps) or designed to work across both (cross-platform apps). We focus on making apps easy to use, packed with useful features, and built with the latest mobile tech. Our goal is to create apps that people enjoy using, that keep them coming back, and that help your brand stand out in the mobile-focused world.LEARN MORE

  • QA & Testing

    Ensuring the quality of our software is a top priority as a souftware developemnt outsourcing company, which is why QA (Quality Assurance) & Testing are key parts of what we do. We start checking for any issues early on, so we can fix them quickly to keep our software top-notch. Our detailed testing includes both automated and hands-on checks, making sure the software runs smoothly, is secure, and meets the users' needs. By doing all this, we make sure to deliver software that you can rely on to work well and keep data safe.

  • Dedicated Development Teams

    Our dedicated development team service provides a scalable and effective solution for enhancing your development resources. We offer skilled professionals who blend into your project effortlessly, adding the required technical know-how and insights into the industry. This approach speeds up the development process and keeps project expenses under control, guaranteeing a streamlined journey from the initial idea to the final launch. LEARN MORE

  • UI/UX Design

    UI/UX Design is about crafting digital experiences that really connect with users. Our approach starts with deep research and understanding how users behave, which guides our design choices. This leads to designs that aren't only visually appealing but also work smoothly. We focus on making things easy and enjoyable to use, making sure our designs are accessible to everyone and keep users coming back. It's all about combining great looks with great functionality to create something people love using. LEARN MORE

  • MVP Development and Prototyping

    We specialize in MVP development and prototyping, taking your product idea to a market-ready stage. Starting with a clear understanding of your goals, they create user-centered prototypes, refining them through feedback and rigorous testing. The team focuses on essential features that fulfill real user needs while ensuring the product can scale. This approach allows for a streamlined market launch and paves the way for future growth, making sure your MVP meets current market demands and is prepared for expansion.

  • IT Consulting

    Our IT consulting services give businesses smart technology advice that helps them work better and more flexibly. Our consultants have a lot of knowledge about tech and what's new in the industry. They can guide you on many topics, such as how to set up your tech systems, use cloud services, or change your business with digital tools. We work closely with each client, looking for ways technology can help them grow and innovate, making sure they get the most out of their tech investments.



Software Development Outsourcing for your organization type
  • Startups
  • Full-Stack Development
  • Product discovery, MVP, prototyping
  • Sharing industry best practices
  • Faster time-to-market
  • In-built scalability
  • Established companies / Enterprises
  • Various collaboration models
  • Comprehensive support
  • Migrations and upgrades
  • Robust security measures
  • Focus on efficiency wihout compromising the infrastructure

Our Approach

Focus on communication

We believe the best results are obtained when there’s an adequate level of communication between the client and the outsource software development company. Our specialists are used to working with various time zones, fluent in English, and have impressive interpersonal skills, making them able to grasp the essence of any project on the go, and implement it the way you want, while suggesting best practices along the way. Our organizational guidelines further ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible for everyone.

Respect for time and budget constraints

There’s no project in this world that isn’t limited in some way or another; our approach is to find the perfect solution for each individual case and work to deliver the optimal result that can then be further improved. This reduces the inherent risks, and makes for a higher ROI than typically with software development outsourcing. By using Agile practices and other methodologies where applicable we can reduce the delivery time by 1.5-2 compared to an in-house team, while staying firmly within the budget.

Going beyond the coding when called upon

As of today, software development outsourcing is much more than just having someone to do the coding part: there are countless cases where we can provide additional value to your project by introducing our findings from similar projects, innovations that haven’t yet become mainstream, UX expertise, and consulting. What we learn by working on a plethora of diverse projects, we pour back into the industry, enabling you to benefit from faster, more robust, more efficient solutions that will stand competitive for as long as possible.

Emphasis on quality

For many, ensuring the quality of outsourced software development equals just hiring dedicated development teams and then doing the supervising job themselves. We do offer a dedicated team option, but the concern for quality is engrained into everything we do, regardless of the chosen model. With us, you can be assured that your software will be up to the current standards of quality and security.


Why choose us

  • The leading web development service company
  • 89 successfully launched startups
  • 4.9/5 Clutch rating
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  • 75% of our talent are Middle and Senior specialists
  • Agile approach
  • Strong knowledge of English
  • Large talent pool
  • Progressive technologies












.NET Core




Available Models

How do you choose the right software development outsourcing model? This mostly depends on your project’s specific needs, scope, and internal capabilities. Augmented teams are ideal if you need to temporarily boost your existing team with specialized skills or additional manpower for a specific phase of a project. Outstaffing suits businesses looking to have remote developers who act as an extension of their in-house team, providing flexibility and direct control over the workflow. On the other hand, the dedicated team model is perfect for long-term projects requiring a full, self-managed team focused solely on your objectives, offering comprehensive expertise and consistent collaboration. We can lend a hand in defining the perfect model for your specific project, since all the labels below are just that – labels, and the reality is so much wider than that.


Ideal for projects requiring niche expertise, rapid scaling, or increased flexibility, outstaffing allows you to maintain control while leveraging external skills and knowledge. Choose this model when you need to quickly expand your team for short-term projects, fill critical skill gaps, or manage fluctuating workloads without the long-term commitment of traditional hiring. Experience the benefits of agility, cost-efficiency, and top-tier talent with our tailored outstaffing solutions.

Dedicated Team

This model is perfect for long-term projects, complex development tasks, or when you need a reliable team to align seamlessly with your company culture and processes. Choose the dedicated team model when you require consistent collaboration, deep domain expertise, and a stable team that evolves with your project needs. Benefit from increased productivity, transparent communication, and a strong partnership as our dedicated team works exclusively on delivering exceptional results for your business.

Augmented Team

This flexible approach is ideal for scaling up quickly, filling skill gaps, or adding expert resources for specific tasks or phases of your project. Use the augmented team model when you need to boost your team’s capacity without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time employees. Benefit from seamless integration, access to top-tier professionals, and the agility to adapt to changing project demands while maintaining full control over your development process.



As an outsource software development company, we take care to adjust our process to the requirements of the client. This means the actual process is different depending on what project we are working on, and that's something we discuss with you to make things as comfortable for everyone as possible. However, there are some obligatory stages that can be done in either a linear or a recursive, iterative, Agile-like fashion.


At the initial stage, we study your project idea, collect the requirements, and evaluate the potential success and relevance of the app. Based on your business goals and budget, we start planning the most optimal approach to developing your mobile app.


We validate the project idea and define the required scope of functionality, as well as interdependencies, to gather and allocate resources needed for implementation.


Our specialists design the system in focus, going through an iterative process, gradually improving the outcome that the outsource developers need to create. This can be done either before or simultaneously with the actual development.


Based on the technical requirements, we start bringing your vision to reality through full-cycle outsource software development services. This is where we work to implement the software project with the level of communication you are comfortable with throughout the process.


The project undergoes rigorous testing, including manual, automation, and end-to-end testing throughout the entire production flow to ensure the high performance, flawless functionality, and exceptional usability of the delivered solution.


After development, we deploy the software solution by configuring it for optimal performance and seamlessly integrating it into your existing systems, if needed, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.



Access to specific expertise and best practices

Lionwood specializes in logistics, EdTech, FinTech, and healthcare outsourced software development, as well as implementing AI and ML in these domains. By collaborating with our teams, you can shorten the time needed to find in-house experts in a number of pertinent technologies. At the same time, since we’ve likely already worked with projects within your area of interest, we can provide insights to maximize and improve the outcome.


Depending on the model of collaboration you choose, we as a software development outsourcing company use different methods to ensure the entire project is implemented with maximum ROI and within the budget. As a software development outsourcing company, we leverage our global network of skilled developers and implement agile methodologies and rigorous project management practices to minimize waste and optimize resource allocation throughout the development process.


We focus on scalability in terms of both the project flow and the resulting solution by providing flexible team sizes that can be adjusted based on your project’s evolving needs. This allows us to rapidly scale resources up or down, ensuring that you have the right expertise at the right time without the overhead of permanent staffing.

Case studies

Software development outsourcing success stories

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2020 - 2023
2019 - 2023
Frequently asked questions
Software development outsourcing allows your business to leverage specialized skills and advanced technologies without the overhead of hiring in-house teams. It offers scalability and flexibility in managing projects of varying sizes and complexities, enabling you to focus on core business functions while reducing operational costs.
To ensure the highest quality in outsourced software development, we implement continuous testing, peer reviews, and adherence to international coding standards, among other practices. Experienced project managers oversee all development stages to mitigate risks and ensure the project aligns with client expectations.
To start off, we hold detailed discussions to understand your requirements and objectives in software development outsourcing. Then, we define the project scope, select the appropriate technology stack, assemble a team with the right skills, and establish clear communication plans and milestones. This structured approach ensures a smooth project launch and ongoing alignment with your goals.
The cost of outsourcing software development varies significantly based on factors such as project complexity, technology requirements, and the expertise level of the development team. To ensure transparency and align expectations right from the start, we offer adaptable pricing models tailored to your project's specific demands. For a more detailed understanding and to get an initial estimate tailored to your project, we invite you to use our cost calculation tool. This tool can help in providing a clearer insight into the potential investment required for your software development needs.
To effectively manage time zone differences, we adapt our work schedule to ensure significant overlap with your business hours, facilitating real-time communication and collaboration. We also utilize efficient project management tools to maintain a continuous update flow, ensuring that project progress is transparent and predictable, regardless of geographical locations.
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