Our Services

Dedicated development team

Hire a highly professional dedicated team from Lionwood to work as an extended arm of your in-house team and deliver exceptional full-cycle software development services to your clients according to deadlines, budget, and specifications. Our dedicated developers possess all the necessary expertise, experience, and know-how to help you cover urgent and complex tasks within your project scope quickly, effectively, and flawlessly.

Experience, innovation, flexibility. Lionwood’s dedicated teams – the solution you need.

Why choose us

  • The leading web development service company
  • 89 successfully launched startups
  • 4.9/5 Clutch rating
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  • 75% of our talent are Middle and Senior specialists
  • Agile approach
  • Strong knowledge of English
  • Large talent pool
  • Progressive technologies
When do you need a dedicated team?
  • You have a long-term project that will scale
  • Your team lacks specific expertise or certain skills
  • You don’t want to deal with operational processes
  • You have tight deadlines
  • You want to have full control over the development
  • You are searching for ways to reduce operational costs
  • You don’t want to handle recruiting
  • You want to reinforce your development team
  • You have a startup idea but lack the technical expertise to implement it
  • Want to work directly with each team member and have control of the development team
  1. Top-grade talent
    Our software development team is made up of experts with extensive knowledge in their field and can handle projects of any complexity and within various niches. Our talent pool includes over 100 middle and senior specialists with master’s and PhD levels of tech education.
  2. Scalability
    You can easily scale your dedicated team up and down, making the cooperation and work process as efficient and smooth as possible.
  3. Quick start
    Speed up the development process and reduce your time to market with a dedicated team that can be assembled as quickly as two weeks from project confirmation.
  4. Cost-effective solution
    Forecast your monthly expenses and work with a remote dedicated team, all without spending your budget on operational, recruiting, and workspace management costs.
  5. Flexibility
    The dedicated team model allows you to make necessary adjustments to the team composition at any stage of the development process to meet your project needs.
  6. Full control over the team
    Get comprehensive transparency and manage your dedicated team easily through regular reports, meetings, and a clear KPI system.


Submit an inquiry

Contact us once you need to hire a dedicated development team. Tell us about your project needs and talent shortages, and we’ll get back to you with the optimal team proposal.

Requirements specification

Our team analyzes your project request and schedules a call with your tech lead. We discuss the requirements and select the best possible candidates to meet your specific business goals and technical requirements.

Candidates interview (optional)

Once you review the profiles of dedicated software development candidates we chose for your project, you can set up an interview to evaluate their expertise and technical skills.


After the engineer is approved, we start the contract signing process .

Team integration

We assign a delivery manager to handle the onboarding process and make it easy for you and the engineers to start working. The typical onboarding process takes about 1–2 weeks.

Start of the software development project

When development starts, you get total control of the production process, task prioritization, and management. The software engineer is fully dedicated to your project and is engaged in all processes as any other in-house team member.


Dedicated team

  • Front-end Developers

Our front-end specialists will select, optimize, install, and test the functionality of your website or application, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, and React.

  • Back-end Developers

Our back-end engineers will work on support, security, and content management of the server components using .NET/.NET Core with ASP.NET and Entity Framework, PHP (WordPress), Node.js, and Java.

  • UX/UI Designers

Based on user research data and following the best practices, our UX/UI designers will deliver a visual design that meets both technical and business requirements of your project.

  • QA Engineers

Our QA engineers will check the software performance, detect and report on errors, and suggest improvements to ensure great efficiency and exceptional UX.


Technology stack









Case studies

Success stories

2019 - 2023
2021 - 2022
A dedicated development team involves a long-term partnership between a client and a service provider who allocates a talent pool to work exclusively on a client’s project as an extended team. Such a business model eliminates the hurdle of a recruiting process and quickly provides the client with highly skilled professionals chosen specifically for the project scope.
Lionwood provides you with all the necessary resources and talent (whether it’s a software developer, a QA engineer, or a designer), while your in-house project manager is fully responsible for the dedicated team management.
A dedicated team is carefully picked and allocated to work and focus solely on your project according to your specifications and business goals. Freelancers, on the other hand, focus on multiple projects at the same time, potentially affecting the project’s quality.
A Dedicated Software Development Team can be beneficial for a variety of projects, especially for companies that have ongoing or long-term development needs for building complex software systems with a large scope of work. It can be a cost-effective and efficient solution for large-scale development projects requiring a significant amount of resources, projects with tight deadlines and requiring a quick turnaround, or when you do not have a clear vision of the project scope, budget, or timeline. You can start working with the team, reaching your planned milestones, and conducting discoveries to see where you are going. The model allows you to introduce changes as the development goes with no charges.
In-house teams are composed of employees who work on-site at the company's physical location. These teams work directly under the company's management and are involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Remote teams are composed of individuals who work from a location separate from the company's physical location. These individuals may work from home or from a co-working space and may be located in different parts of the world. Communication and collaboration take place through online channels.

Dedicated teams are a hybrid of in-house and remote teams. These teams are composed of individuals who work remotely but are dedicated solely to the company they are working for. They work exclusively on projects for that company, and communication and collaboration take place through online channels. The company may manage the team directly or work with a third-party provider who manages the team for them.
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