Today, humanity’s contact with nature has been lost: people take everything from it, without giving anything in return. Every year, the number of green plantations on the planet decreases with catastrophic velocity. Forests do not grow as quickly as they are cut down.

Therefore, decided to join the Ukrainian social project ECOchallenge ‘Plant Life’, since planting a tree is very simple. We planted 35 seedlings of trees today in Lviv ‘Horihovyy Hai’ Park. An action that takes a few minutes will have an effect for decades.

P.S. Interesting fact:

One tree produces about 113 kilos of oxygen a year. This means that two adult trees can produce enough oxygen to cover the annual need in oxygen for a family of four people.

We have already passed the baton to our partners, would you like to join ECOchallenge too? Be sure to know what you can plant in the chosen place!

ECOchallenge on Instagram: