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The NIT Platform Has Won the Consumer’s Choice 2023 Award in Ukraine

30 Aug, 2024

The remote learning platform NIT (Ukr.: НІТ, from Навчання і Технології, “Education and Technologies”) developed by the Lviv-based company, has won the Consumer’s Choice 2023 award in Ukraine. The platform’s R&D team members are expressing their gratitude for the recognition, as well as their belief that the solution will be instrumental in modernizing Ukraine’s school education.

The award is handed based on a register of the best-in-class product and service providers formed by All-Ukrainian Branch Analytical Center’s annual expert analysis.

This shows that NIT, as a digital solution, is evolving in the direction that aligns well with the needs of its target users (schools, as well as individual teachers and students); something the team behind the product is inspired by.

About NIT

As of today, the NIT platform offers a vast range of functionalities for organizing remote learning in public schools, from videoconferencing and live chats to document management. The platform started as a reaction to the rising need for remote learning; its further evolution was closely tied to the feedback from its customers, including teachers, students, and parents.

Over the past three years, the nationwide amount of schools who have adopted NIT, has increased by 3200%, translating to around 120,000 students and 8,000 teachers registering for free. The platform is still available via a free join-in form at

The team and future implications of the NIT case

The NIT platform was made possible by coordinated effort from over 20 experts working with The company has been globally active in software development for 7 years now, with EdTech being one of the consistently prioritized domains. One of the factors for this focus on education is that a major part of Lionwood’s experts, including the company’s co-founder Yuriy Kaminovskyi, have professional background in education and are personally interested in EdTech opportunities.

The public recognition gained by the platform is viewed by the team as another stage in the continuous process of perfecting the solution. On a general level, the NIT case is part of the global EdTech evolution, where best practices accumulated from various diverse projects and aggregated at the hands of experts can be used for beneficial cross-influence between formal and informal education.

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