
Successful Outsourcing Examples in Different Industries: Case Studies

21 Jun, 2023

IT outsourcing has emerged as a powerful strategy for businesses to increase their capabilities, drive innovation, and achieve cost efficiency. By partnering with a trusted tech services provider, companies can tap into external expertise and access cutting-edge technologies, no matter what their requirements are. has successfully collaborated with clients from diverse industries since 2017, allowing them to achieve their project goals and thrive in highly competitive markets. 

In this article, we want to reveal three successful outsourcing examples that illustrate the triumphs of our work in different sectors.’s Outsourcing Case Studies

These IT outsourcing success stories not only demonstrate our technical expertise but also emphasize our commitment to client success and our ability to drive positive change.

Blockchain Industry boasts extensive experience in blockchain technology, allowing businesses to unlock the full potential of this transformative innovation and stay ahead of the competition. By harnessing the power of decentralized systems, we help clients establish trust, enhance security, and revolutionize processes in the digital realm.

From consulting to custom blockchain development, we can help create a secure, risk-free, and well-performing solution.

​​Benefits of outsourcing blockchain software development:

  • Access to a team of experienced blockchain developers who possess in-depth knowledge of the technology and its applications
  • Cost savings, since additional overhead costs such as recruitment, training, and infrastructure setup are eliminated
  • Accelerated time to market, allowing you to seize opportunities in the rapidly evolving blockchain industry and gain a competitive edge
  • Risk mitigation with secure and tamper-proof systems 
  • Scalability and flexibility to accommodate your blockchain solution needs accordingly 
  • Access to continuous support and maintenance to ensure your system remains secure, optimized, and up-to-date
Case Study #1. Blockchain Empowering Authenticity in Artists Works and Digital Paintings: Lingon

Lingon is one of the best examples of outsourcing with As a blockchain-focused business, they sought to authenticate original data files and physical artifacts using blockchain technology. The client requested mobile and web apps that would create unique certificates and register ownership of e-commerce assets on the Ethereum blockchain. 

With the goal of enabling users to scan QR codes on product labels to verify authenticity, avoid counterfeits, and access detailed product information, our development team leveraged its blockchain expertise to build the functional aspects of the app using Chromia, ensuring secure and reliable blockchain integration. 

The collaboration led to the successful creation of web and mobile applications with encrypted certificates, empowering users to track limited editions, determine certificate generation timestamps, and access highly relevant asset information. The app’s digital certificates, signed by trusted issuers at the time of creation, ensured indisputable authenticity and ownership verification.

Transportation and Logistics Industry also excels in developing innovative solutions for the transportation and logistics industry, allowing businesses to optimize operations, enhance security, and provide superior customer experiences.

In this sphere, we aim to reduce fleet running costs, optimize delivery routes, reduce traffic, and improve urban experiences. We have developed a wide variety of transportation logistics software to help achieve this.

Benefits of outsourcing transportation and logistics software development:

  • A team with deep understanding and experience in the transportation and logistics industry
  • Greater cost savings compared to building an in-house team 
  • Custom software that aligns with your unique business processes and requirements 
  • Ability to scale your team and adjust the development capacity based on your business requirements 
  • Enhanced efficiency and productivity
  • Seamless transportation and logistics software integration with existing systems, such as fleet management, warehouse management, and supply chain management systems
  • Ongoing maintenance and support for your software
Case Study #2. Transforming Car Shipping with Secure Monitoring Systems: LubeAuto

LubeAuto, a car shipping company based in Ukraine and specializing in buying automobiles at international auctions, is another example of successful outsourcing. The client was experiencing difficulties tracking purchased cars, leading to significant financial losses. They needed a robust monitoring and tracking system that would ensure the security of their operations, provide user activity insights, and minimize fees.

Our team developed a desktop application that enabled total control over their operations, providing real-time user statistics and ensuring absolute security through encrypted stored logins and passwords. 

This ongoing collaboration has resulted in a transparent and secure cooperation solution, providing substantial cost savings for the client. 

Education Industry

We specialize in delivering cutting-edge solutions for the education sector, helping institutions transform their processes, enhance student experiences, and improve operational efficiency.

Utilizing the latest technologies, such as AI, AR/VR, ML, and IoT, we keep pace with new developments to ensure our clients always stay ahead of the competition.

Benefits of outsourcing education software development:

  • Expertise in education technology that allows us to develop innovative and effective software solutions specifically designed for the education sector
  • Customized education software tailored to the unique needs of your educational institution or organization
  • Scalability of your software solution to accommodate growing student populations or changing educational trends, ensuring long-term viability
  • Enhanced learning experience through incorporating interactive elements, multimedia content, and personalized learning paths
  • Seamless integration of software with existing systems, such as learning management systems, student information systems, or digital content platforms 
  • Ongoing maintenance and support for your education software 
  • Knowledge of the latest technologies and trends in the industry 
Case Study #3. Revolutionizing Education with a Learning Management System: NIT

NIT, developed by, is one of the best examples of outsourcing in the education sector. It provides teachers, students, and parents with a centralized platform for remote studying, effective communication, and streamlined management of educational activities.

Leveraging our expertise in education technology and software development, developed NIT with the aim of transforming digital learning. This outsourcing project has successfully achieved the goal of creating transparent education processes, optimizing studying processes, reducing paper waste, and improving education in remote areas.

The web and mobile application developed for NIT serves as a testament to the benefits of outsourcing in education software development. 


These IT outsourcing case studies demonstrate our success in outsourcing across various industries. Through close partnerships with, businesses have achieved their project goals, optimized their operations, improved efficiency, and delivered exceptional user experiences in today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Our team has expertise in a wide range of other industries. Contact us today to discuss your project, and our team will create an impressive success story for you!

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